On your marks, get set… bake! It’s time for the Great Beaulieu Bake Off!
It has been an exciting week for the kitchen maids at Palace House as they have been busy creating an entry for the Great Beaulieu Bake Off! Many departments from all over the Estate were baking iconic images of Beaulieu such as motor cars or boats, so the team were tasked with crafting the House out of sponge cake and icing in one day…..How hard could it be?!
Many, many hours later, and with much help from visitors, the team could finally start putting the finishing touches on the surrounding grounds and gardens, and adorn the roof with the Montagu flag.
So here is the finished cake in all its glory, complete with a maid, butler, the falconer, a visiting monk and the graceful swans on the river:
Sadly, the team did not win any prizes, but everyone who joined in had a great time baking and decorating and we of course got to eat lots of cake at the end!
The Great Beaulieu Bake Off raised a magnificent £1000 for Channel 4’s Stand Up To Cancer campaign.
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