Supercar Drivers Application

Apply to take part in the Beaulieu Supercar Weekend
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Applications for the Beaulieu Supercar Weekend are now open. If you would like to take part in your vehicle, whether for one day only or the whole weekend, we’d love to hear from you.

attending beaulieu supercar weekend

Applications are welcome from supercar owners who are able to display their vehicle for one or both days of the event. Please indicate on the application form which day, or both, you are able to attend.

We do ask for vehicle owners to commit to displaying their vehicle for the duration of the event and exit of display vehicles will only be permitted after the last Demonstration Run has been completed, after 3.30pm. There is no vehicle exit during the Demonstration Runs.

Further event information will be emailed to all Supercar drivers prior to the event, along with your tickets for entry.

If you find you are unable to attend after your application has been accepted, please let us know via in order for us to release your space to another Supercar driver wishing to attend.

what is included as a supercar driver?

Successful applications will be allocated to one of two different entry criteria.

Supercar Weekend Display with Drivers’ Marquee access*, for eligible vehicles only (please note, this list is not exhaustive), which includes:

  • Complimentary entry for up to 2 persons per vehicle to the Beaulieu Supercar Weekend, including the entire Beaulieu attraction
  • Your vehicle on display within a display area, or within a designated car club display (please specify on your application if you are attending with a car club)
  • Dedicated display vehicle entrance
  • Access to the Drivers’ Marquee, with light refreshments

Please note: we have limited spaces left for access to the Drivers’ Marquee on Sunday.

*Once capacity has been reached for eligible vehicles with Drivers’ Marquee access, applications for those with eligible vehicles will be accepted as display only.

Supercar Weekend Displays, which includes:

  • Complimentary entry for up to 2 persons per vehicle to the Beaulieu Supercar Weekend, including the entire Beaulieu attraction
  • Your vehicle on display within a display area, or within a designated car club display (please specify on your application if you are attending with a car club)
  • Dedicated display vehicle entrance

If you have any queries about your vehicle attending, or if you own a supercar which is not listed, please send us an email at with further details.

Please note, due to the popularity of the show, once a certain number of vehicles of a particular marque and model have been reached, your application may be placed on the reserve list for a space to become available.

Applications will be reviewed and accepted on a case by case basis.

car club displays

We welcome club displays at the Beaulieu Supercar Weekend and can assign an area for members to park together within the event. We ask that car club organisers contact us first via to book their club in, before then directing members to apply via the application form below, indicating the club they wish to park with.

Banners and flags are very welcome within club areas. Please contact us if you wish to erect a club gazebo.

Please note, individual vehicles within a club will be accepted on a case by case basis and entry for all club members cannot be guaranteed. Owners applying individually must apply prior to applications closing.

Due to the increasing popularity of the show, car club displays may be limited in the number of vehicles accepted per club. Car clubs attending will be listed on our main page.

For club organisers that book in their members as a bulk booking, please book early with your expected number of cars. We will set a date for updating us with final vehicle numbers in order to reallocate spaces if required, after this point we cannot guarantee that club members’ applications will be accepted.

Car clubs attending in 2025 will be updated once driver applications are open.

The following car clubs had vehicles on display across the weekend:

  • Aston Martin Owners Club
  • Classic Corvette Club UK
  • GT40 Enthusiasts Club
  • Honda NSX Owners Club
  • Lotus Drivers Club and Club Lotus
  • Marcos Owners Club
  • Maserati UK
  • Mustang Owners Club of Great Britain
  • Mustangs Unleashed
  • Porsche Club GB – 992 Register
  • Simply Mustangs UK
  • TVR Car Club
  • Ultima Owners Club

The following car clubs had a club display on Saturday only, but expect to see many of these marques on Sunday as part of the displays:

  • Ferrari Owners’ Club of Great Britain
  • Supercar Owners Society

The following car clubs had a club display on Sunday only, but expect to see many of these marques on Saturday as part of the displays:

  • Drivers Union
  • Four Marks Supercar Club
  • McLaren Owners Club
  • Prestige and Performance Car Club
  • SCC|Private Members
  • South Coast Supercar Club


The Demonstration Runs will take place along Chestnut Avenue. Please indicate on your application form if you would like to be considered to take part.

There is limited availability for the Demonstration Runs and we cannot guarantee that all that apply will be able to take part, but we will let successful owners who have registered their interest know nearer the event.

Participation is only possible upon completion of any relevant documents sent to you prior to the event. If you have any queries about taking part please get in touch at


Spaces in the sound-off are very limited, due to only one daily sound-off taking place, and we endeavour to have a range of marques participating.

Owners that are selected to take part are required to park within the sound-off area on the Arena for the duration of the event, as part of a sound-off display.


Please complete the application form below to apply to display your supercar at the Beaulieu Supercar Weekend.

Applications will be reviewed and we will endeavour to respond within two weeks of us receiving your application. Please note, at busy times we may take slightly longer to process your application.

Your privacy is important to us and we promise to look after your personal information. By sending your application you consent to the use of your data in accordance with our Privacy Notice.

Please note: we have limited spaces left for access to the Drivers’ Marquee on Sunday.