The Beaulieu Estate, including both Beaulieu and Buckler’s Hard visitor attractions, plans to grow in line with future sustainability needs and to be guided by our mission statement which is as follows:
‘To build the Estate as an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable entity in family ownership for future generations.’
As a business that is dedicated to telling the story of motoring, among other ventures, we can clearly recognise our environmental impact. We are committed to taking responsibility and actively seeking ways for us to reduce our carbon footprint, while arming our team with the practical and affordable means to do so.
Through working with our local community, our aim is to continue business in a responsible manner with due regard to the attraction’s immediate environment. We are lucky to be situated in the heart of the New Forest National Park and so will persist with monitoring and mitigating where possible noise, light, odour and litter pollution. Beaulieu Enterprises Ltd is looking to minimise carbon dioxide emissions, closely regulate efficient resource consumption, reduce reuse and recycle where economically and environmentally sensible, and carry on with taking care of our cherished estate with sustainability as a primary focus.
What are some of the steps that we have already undertaken?
- We have installed a biomass boiler to the main attraction-
- Recycling bins positioned in key areas around the attraction.
- We now email rather than post out our large-scale mailings to event participants, and newsletters are digitised
- We have greatly reduced the quantity of single use plastics in our restaurant and food outlets. Where their use is deemed unavoidable, we have ensured the correct waste streams are in place so that they are recycled and not returned to landfill.
- We have been working with the National Park authority and local farmers to install rainwater harvesting tanks and create reedbed filtration of water before it enters the river
- Some food grown on the Estate is used in the Brabazon restaurant
- Some locally produced items are sold in the shop. Our environmental policy encourages staff to look for local produce first
- Approximately 250 local people employed across the estate, and many employees car share, walk or cycle to work
- The estate woodland is managed in a sustainable way with timber being harvested and re-planted on a rotation. It also provides not only the timber for fencing and sea defences but also timber which is chipped for our biomass boiler
- We are involved with managed nature reserves on the Estate
- Sound monitoring takes place at key events
- We are working with blue Marine to re-establish oyster beds in the Solent and also Plymouth University to establish new seagrass beds at the mouth of the river
- We offer a 20% discount for any visitor travelling to the attraction using public transport or bicycle
As evidenced by the above actions, we have already begun our journey to becoming a more sustainable business. It is important that we are also working to ensure compliance with relevant legislation, statutory regulation and codes of practice that relate to the activities of the Beaulieu attractions. Beaulieu Enterprises Ltd pledges to continually assess and improve our environmental strategies and performance by maintaining a sustainability action plan, which will be reviewed at least annually.