Dogs are warmly welcomed at Beaulieu however we ask that they remain on a lead at all times and do not enter any of the buildings apart from Visitor Reception and the Brabazon Restaurant. Please read the FAQs below before your visit.
Yes, dogs are welcome inside the main Visitor Reception building! As you enter, you'll notice a poster that politely reminds you 'Dogs are welcome, just not in the buildings.' At the till, our staff will explain the rules and provide you with a handout with all the information. If needed, we offer complimentary biodegradable poop scoop bags. A spare lead is also available if required.Can I bring my dog through Visitor Reception?
Dogs are welcome to join their owners wandering around the shop located in the Visitor Reception building. Various dog-related items are for sale so you can even treat your furry friend!Is my dog allowed in the Beaulieu shop?
Unfortunately dogs are not permitted inside the museum building. If you're visiting with others, we kindly ask that someone stays with your dog outside while others explore the museum. Alternatively, there is an unmanned Dog Waiting Area beneath the museum where you can leave your dog whilst you visit the museum. Please note: dogs are left at the owners' own risk in the Dog Waiting Area.Are dogs allowed inside the National Motor Museum?
There is an unmanned Dog Waiting Area located beneath the main entrance to the National Motor Museum where you can leave your dog whilst visiting the museum. There are chains to secure your dog whilst they are there. There are also water bowls and comfortable raised beds available here. Please note: dogs are left at the owners' own risk in the Dog Waiting Area.Is there somewhere I can leave my dog while I go in the museum?
Dogs are welcome inside the Brabazon Restaurant, and must remain on a lead at all times.Can I bring my dog in the Brabazon Restaurant?
Unfortunately dogs are not permitted inside Palace House as this is a historical building.Is my dog allowed inside Palace House?
Dogs are welcome to join their family in the covered seating area located next to the Little Beaulieu play areas. However, please note that dogs are not allowed in the play park itself.Are dogs allowed in the Little Beaulieu adventure play park area?
Unfortunately dogs are not permitted inside the Secret Army Exhibition building.Is my dog allowed inside the Secret Army Exhibition building?
Unfortunately dogs are not permitted on the monorail.Is my dog allowed on the monorail?
Unfortunately dogs are not permitted on the veteran bus.Can I bring my dog on the veteran bus?
Dogs are welcome in all outside areas at Beaulieu and must be kept on a lead at all times. You'll find plenty of water bowls placed around the site to keep your furry friend hydrated.Are dogs allowed in all outdoor areas at Beaulieu?
Service dogs are welcome in all areas of the attraction with no restrictions. All service dogs must have visible jackets or leads so staff are aware they are working dogs.What are the rules for service dogs?